Friday, September 07, 2012

We were getting the boys ready for bed and Nate was dawdling at the bathroom sink, leaning completely over the edge,...

We were getting the boys ready for bed and Nate was dawdling at the bathroom sink, leaning completely over the edge, with his face deep in the sink.

I'm getting frustrated because he's continually stalling, "Nate, come on, wash your hands, let's go."

I hear him trying to tell me something, but it's muffled because his head's so far in the sink.

Time for the tactile approach, I put my hand on his shoulder and lean in closer, "Nate, wash your hands."

But he's still trying to tell me something, and he's getting frustrated that I can't hear him. Finally, I make it out, "Why does the water go down the sink, Daddy?"


"Because of gravity, Nate. It's what makes everything go down when you let go. Like, when you're jumping, gravity makes you go down to the ground instead of flying into the air?"

Sara jumps in, "It's what makes things fall down."

Nate immediately, "Like apples?"

1 comment:

Veronica McKinnon said...

Awww...your little Isaac Newton!