Monday, August 27, 2012

We had friends over yesterday and Nate had done a really good job playing with their son, who is even younger than...

We had friends over yesterday and Nate had done a really good job playing with their son, who is even younger than James. They had gone home, Nate was contentedly colouring on the dining room table, and I sensed a great parenting moment in the making.

I walked quietly up to Nate, gently placed a hand on his shoulder, and said in my most fatherly encouraging voice, "Nate, I was really proud of the way you played with Rudy today, that was very good."

Nate looked deep in thought. Maybe he didn't quite understand. So I began to elaborate on how he had done a good job playing at Rudy's level, how that had probably made Rudy very happy, that it made me very happy, and perhaps that made Nate feel good too. I paused to see if this had sunk in.

Without skipping a beat, Nate goes, "Daddy.... I think I should get a treat for playing so nicely with Rudy."

Friday, August 24, 2012

Obvious bonus points for playing "Insane in the Membrane" through an actual membrane, but it got me thinking, how...

Obvious bonus points for playing "Insane in the Membrane" through an actual membrane, but it got me thinking, how long before somebody puts out clothing that hooks into your audio feed and looks like this. I've seen equalizers done before, but how awesome would a pulsating polka dot shirt be?

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

At the English Gardens.

At the English Gardens. It's great to see Nate sharing an enthusiasm for flowers with Sara. He walks around the gardens asking Sara what the names of all the flowers are, and gets excited when he sees certain flowers he likes.

Monday, August 13, 2012

When I mowed the lawn, Nate used to faithfully follow me around with a toy lawn mower.

When I mowed the lawn, Nate used to faithfully follow me around with a toy lawn mower. He was quite dedicated and would follow me for a good portion of the time I mowed. I thought it was cute. Now he follows me with a stick and pretends to chase me... hopefully the neighbours weren't watching.

Trying out Windows 8, so thought I'd give Internet Explorer (and therefore Bing) over Chrome a try, as it has a...

Trying out Windows 8, so thought I'd give Internet Explorer (and therefore Bing) over Chrome a try, as it has a native Metro UI. Sad times, I was searching for "Office 2013" and Bing doesn't even show Microsoft's own site in the first page of search results, which is what I was looking for, works much better with a Google search.

One of the interesting things about living with kids is finding unexpected things in unexpected places, like toys in...

One of the interesting things about living with kids is finding unexpected things in unexpected places, like toys in my work bag, or cheerios in my suit jacket, or, as was the case today, a grappling hook hanging out the back of my car.

Five years of marriage!

Five years of marriage!

Friday, August 10, 2012

We were taking a long car ride as a family to avoid the rain while camping, and I guess Nate was getting bored,...

We were taking a long car ride as a family to avoid the rain while camping, and I guess Nate was getting bored, because he tried to engage us in some conversation (which I thought was cute).

"Mom, what's your favourite farm animal?"

"Ummmm, a goat."


"Well, because goats are fun and like to play and bounce around."


"Daddy, what's your favourite farm animal?"

" dogs. Dad likes farm dogs."


"James, what's your favourite farm animal? Pigs. James likes pigs!"

Thursday, August 09, 2012

After a library run. Great to see both our boys so into books.

After a library run. Great to see both our boys so into books.