Monday, December 12, 2011

Most things Nate pretends to be, I can sort of understand the logic to.

Most things Nate pretends to be, I can sort of understand the logic to. Even, if he's pretending to be non-living thing, usually it's the moving sort that would fun to be, like a dump truck or excavator. On rarer occasions he might be something inanimate, like a bridge or a road, but at least those are sort of exciting, because moving things drive across them. I didn't have any answers though as to why, when I was getting him ready for bed the other day, he exclaimed, "I a pile of dirt!" Seriously?

Anyways, I went a long with it, claimed to be a front-end loader, and scooped him up with my arms, made beeping sounds as I backed out of the bathroom, and dumped him (literally) into his bed. This of course was met with great delight. As I tucked him in for bed, he added, "This is a dump truck (pointing at his bed), the blanket keeps the dirt from flying out."

Then, as he has done every subsequent night that he's pretended to be a pile of dirt, he insists that I pray for "this dirt" instead, whenever I get to the part in the prayer where I thank God for Nate.


Stephen Epp said...

Quite the imagination, it reminds me of the book we gave him "Not a box". Someone was telling me the other day that lots of children are not developing their imagination, because they are stimulated so much they don't have the chance to get bored and dream. This does not seem to be the case with Nate.

Jonathan Epp said...

Good point. That boy needs more time in front of a television.

Theresa Wiegert said...

That's completely wonderful. Wow! :D

Geoff McGrath said...

He has really taken the sunday school class on "from dust to dust" to heart eh?

Veronica McKinnon said...

I was just re-reading "Adventures in Epp-land" down the page...I sincerely hope you are keeping all these anecdotes in a file somewhere! You could make the kids a desk calendar one day!!! I would probably buy a copy.

Stephen Epp said...

I would buy a copy too.

Jonathan Epp said...

Thanks, I actually write them partially to keep a record myself. It's so easy to forget, especially with a lack of sleep.