Monday, December 12, 2011

For advent we've been giving Nate characters and pieces of the Nativity story one day at a time, with the idea that...

For advent we've been giving Nate characters and pieces of the Nativity story one day at a time, with the idea that everything builds up and culminates for Christmas when he gets the baby Jesus figure and we can tell the complete story.

Except what we didn't count on, and I'm not sure why we didn't, it how irrepressible Nate is once he gets an idea in his head. He already knows baby Jesus is part of the story, so he's always finding creative ways to include him as part of the story with the available pieces he has. Yesterday, he took a crumpled piece of chocolate wrapper and announced happily, "This baby Jesus!" After putting him with Mary and Joseph and the donkey, he decided that wasn't good enough, he needed a manager too. No problem, the sort of prickly looking plant outside of the stable will do. "This a manager!", as he stuffs the candy wrapper down into the plant.

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