Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Trying to get Nate to sleep at a friends cabin, "Nate, I'll stay in the room with you, if you lie down and close...

Trying to get Nate to sleep at a friends cabin, "Nate, I'll stay in the room with you, if you lie down and close your eyes."

Nate lies down.

"Nate, you need to close your eyes, or Dad will leave."

"I a pirate. Sleep with eyes open."


Stephen Epp said...

hmm I think I know where he learnt that one from. (Sara)

Jonathan Epp said...

Sort of, based on a story book that Sara found (surprise, surprise) about pirates (http://www.amazon.ca/How-Became-Pirate-Melinda-Long/dp/0152018484) ...or maybe it was a present, I forget, the book seems too good and in too good condition to be a garage sale find.

A child runs away with some pirates, but is disappointed when the pirates don't read him bedtime stories or tuck him in, some also sleep with one eye open.

Robbie Melvin said...

um... I must confess.