Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Nate woke up this morning while it was still pitch black out, as per usual.

Nate woke up this morning while it was still pitch black out, as per usual. This morning however, Sara noticed that Nate had shoved a chair up to the window and was intently flashing his flashlight on and off out the window into the dark night. Asked what he was doing, he explained that he was trying to wake up the sun.

Not sure which is better, that he thought up the idea in the first place, the fact that our neighbors might be wondering if we're secretly spies sending coded messages, or the idea that sun probably got up this morning and went, "Okay, fine, I'll get up, just stop shining that blasted light in my eyes." It did seem brighter out when I biked to work, now that I think about it.

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