Friday, May 04, 2012

Took the afternoon off and went with the family to the zoo!

Took the afternoon off and went with the family to the zoo!

Nate, "All the animals are thirsty, they need to drink water. They are very thirsty. All the people get thirsty too. We need to drink water."
Sara, "Nate, are you thirsty? Do you need water?"
Nate, "No, I was just talking about how everybody is thirsty."
Sara, "Oh, okay. Why don't you tell me some more about the thirsty animals."
Nate, "No, I'm all done talking about thirsty. I told you all about thirsty."
(Nate's Mr. Contrarian now a days.)

Also, in a separate incident, we went into the monkey house, and there was a big group of people inside. They all started laughing at the monkeys, but with the acoustics inside they sounded like a bunch of monkeys. It was pretty amusing.

1 comment:

Veronica McKinnon said...

DUDE! I think someone is following me!