Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Yesterday, Sara had prepped Nate earlier in the day about what happened on Halloween and was trying to get him...

Yesterday, Sara had prepped Nate earlier in the day about what happened on Halloween and was trying to get him excited about it before supper.

Sara, "Nate, what are we going to do after supper?"

"Go to the park!"

"No, today we're going to do something special"

"Play Lego with daddy!"

...eventually we get him on the right track...

"And what are we going to say?"

"Trick or treat"

"And then what are we going to get?"


"And then what will we do with the candy?"

"Use it for haircuts!"

(One of the few times Nate gets to have candy is when we give it to him as a distraction during haircuts.)

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