Wednesday, March 23, 2016

One of the best parenting moments for me yet has been watching Nate begin to read.

One of the best parenting moments for me yet has been watching Nate begin to read. It seems like only a few months ago he was beginning to pick up words in all sorts of unlikely places. "Dad, why does it say, 'free', on that package? Did we get it for free?" "No, it's just gluten free. It means it doesn't have any gluten in it." "That bag says 'Lower prices every day'. That means if you go to the store tomorrow, it'll be even cheaper." "No, that just means their prices are lower than other store prices every day."

Friday of last week we had "student led" conferences at school. Afterwards, as a treat we offered to buy him a book from the book fair. He picked one of the Geronimo Stilton chapter books, and looking at the book noted it was meant for a Grade 4 reading level. I guess he likes challenges, because over the weekend he read through the entire book on his own, and then declared he liked the book so much he'd read it again and is now working his way through it again. I guess we now officially have another book worm in the family.

1 comment:

Anna Epp said...

Nate showed the book to his grandparents yesterday.  I wondered about some of the "hard" words I saw, how he managed to read them.  Nate said he either asked his parents or worked at the word to get it.  He then started reading the page, including some of the words I had wondered about.  The surprising thing - the book was upside down to him because he was showing it to us.  Oma