Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Me, after seeing Nate's room, "Oh my, Nate. What happened here. This is a complete mess. This isn't good."

Me, after seeing Nate's room, "Oh my, Nate. What happened here. This is a complete mess. This isn't good."

Nate, unfazed,"Oma will clean it up."

"No, Nate. That's not right."

Nate, still unperturbed, "I'll clean it up with her."

On another note, Nate has a game that he has played, much to Sara's chagrin, for over two years now. It involves taking every object he can find an putting it in a giant pile. The name always changes. At first it was "playing dump truck", after that was banned it was "playing recycling truck", after that was banned it was "packing to go camping", then it was "building a nest", "building a meerkat den", "packing the moving truck", but the latest is pretending to be the Grinch and gathering all the "whos" belongings. Not sure why Sara, thought it was a good idea to bring that book into our house, but she did.

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