After Tilburg (in the Netherlands) we headed up to Copenhagen to meet with relatives of mine from Sweden (Hermann and Birgit Dueck), who live an hours drive away from Copenhagen due to the new bridge/tunnel. We arrived quite late in the evening after a long days train ride and had a brief but enjoyable coffee and tea before going to bed.
The next morning Herman drove Karl and I to their summer house situated close to the coast. There we met Eva their daughter, who helped to show us around. The landscape was uncannily like Grand Beach here in Manitoba and although nothing was exactly the same, it still left me with the feeling at the back of my mind that, at any moment, I could round a bend and discover myself somewhere I'd already been.
Walking back from the beach towards the cabin was a small village that had been moved from northern Sweden to protect if from artillery exercizes.
After our walk along the beach we took a drive up to Ales Stenar, a set of stones in the shape of a viking ship. Here Karl randomly poses with some cows on the way.
Here are the stones, experts on the matter haven't agreed on what they're for, so I'm afraid I can't tell you either.
The view from where the stones were was amazing. The sky was bright blue and the green cliff dropped sharply to the sea below.
After coming down from the cliff we encountered a group of Swedish school children. In America the kids sometimes wear their pants low with boxers. Here a Swedish child appears to be trying to copy the trend, with the exception that he's wearing tight pants and what looks likes kids pajama pants. Always ready to document local culture, we've included this picture for you.
Before leaving to return home we stopped back at the summer house for coffee and sweets. The Swedish drink a lot of coffee. According to statistics provided by Hermann (it's been a while, so hopefully I get this right), the Swedes drink the most coffee of any nation on earth and the top five countries are dominated by the Scandinavians.
The next day we took off to see more of southern Sweden. However, not before posing in a supermarket with Swedish meatballs.
Our host, Hermann, had a great sense of humour. As an example, when asked to teach us some Swedish phrases, the first one he gave us was, "What is the size of the currency reserve in your country?"
In order to bring you this find blog you are reading, we looked around the university town of Lund for an Internet cafe. While there, we decided to view an old church in the town as well. Interestingly, the church was mixed throughout with Christian as well as Astrological symbols.
Not willing to stop our stereotyping with Swedish meatballs, Karl and I visited an Ikea in Sweden.
Sweden was incredibly beautiful and filled with many old buildings dotting the countryside. As a bit of an exception here is a town they are building completely from scratch to look exactly like an old medieval town, down to the "fortress wall" they were building around it. It was a bit bizarre walking through it.
No exception to the visual appeal of the country was both the home and backyard of our hosts. Here Karl relaxes in the backyard while journaling.
Due to the nice weather, we enjoyed many of the meals outdoors. We were spoiled royally through out our stay, and here is but one example of the many amazing meals we received.
Thanks again to Hermann, Margit and family for showing us such an enjoyable time in Sweden.
Ed: I particularly love that last picture for a number of reasons. The picture captures the bright vivid colours that remind me so much of Sweden. It captures the European style of eating that I love so much. As a bonus the bright yellow umbrella and blue sky are reminiscent of the Swedish flag. For me this picture embodies Sweden.
So if you were taught to say that sentence, shouldn't you be able to write it down too? ;) It's ok if you just show me next time I see you.
I am impressed, it seems that you have caught a very swedish essence in your photos and descriptions. It's always fun and a bit weird to see something so familiar from a "foreigner's" eyes. I love the breakfast table photo. There's even a package of fil on it! The food item I miss the most... And I think I've been in that same church, when I was in Lund.
Yes, well being taught and learning something are two different matters altogether.
Thanks, but I'll have to credit Sweden for giving the photos the Swedish essence.
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